Andrea Margulis, MD, ScD

Senior Director, Epidemiology

Office Location
Telecommuter - Germany

ScD, Epidemiology
ScM, Epidemiology
Harvard University, Boston, MA

Specialist in Pediatrics
University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Andrea V. Margulis, MD, ScD, is a specialist in pediatrics and Senior Director of Epidemiology at RTI-HS, located in Berlin, Germany, and working remotely as a member of the RTI-HS Barcelona, Spain, office. Dr. Margulis studied medicine and completed her residency in pediatrics in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and obtained her doctoral degree in epidemiology (with a focus on pharmacoepidemiology) at Harvard’s TH Chan School of Public Health. She did her postdoctoral training at the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research in the United States Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Margulis has conducted research using claims, electronic medical records, and registry data from North America and Europe in single-database and multi-database studies. She has experience in literature reviews; meta-analyses; drug utilization, case-control and cohort studies; methods research; and outcome and covariate validation, as well as in developing various types of regulatory documents for the Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency. Dr. Margulis has worked in several therapeutic and disease areas and has a special interest in pediatrics and drug safety in pregnancy.

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