Christine Poulos, PhD

Senior Economist and Vice President, Health Preference Assessment

Office Location
Telecommuter - USA

PhD, Public Policy
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

BA, Environmental Studies
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

Dr. Poulos is Senior Economist and Vice President of Health Preference Assessment at RTI HS. She has more than 25 years of academic, consulting, and government experience in stated preference research in health and environmental economics applications. She is an expert in the design of stated preference surveys and has extensive experience in applying stated preference methods to measuring the benefit-risk preferences of patients and other health care decision-makers. She has been principal investigator for numerous vaccine preference projects, as well as studies focused on measuring preferences for treatments including drugs and devices. Her most recent work has applied these studies to support ACIP’s Evidence to Recommendation framework, structured benefit-risk assessment, regulatory decisions, and decision making throughout the clinical product development cycle for tick-borne encephalitis vaccination, pneumococcal vaccination, and treatments for hypertension, severe emphysema, Alzheimers’ disease, multiple sclerosis, endometriosis, and diabetes, among others.

Dr. Poulos is co-chair of the ISPOR Health Preference Research Special Interest Group (SIG) and co-chair of the ISPE BRACE special interest group. Dr. Poulos has been an invited speaker at multiple industry-sponsored and FDA-sponsored meetings, including the ISPOR FDA summit. She has over 50 peer-reviewed publications in journals that include The Patient, Value in Health, Journal of Choice Modeling, and Vaccine.

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