Maria Foraster Pulido, PhD

Research Epidemiologist

headshot of Maria Foraster Pulido
Office Location
Barcelona, Spain

PhD, Biomedicine (Epidemiology)
MPH, Public Health
Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain

MPharm, Pharmacy
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Maria Foraster Pulido (scientific name: Maria Foraster), MPharm, MPH, PhD, is a Research Epidemiologist in the Pharmacoepidemiology and Risk Management group with RTI-HS. She is also associate professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). Dr. Foraster has vast international research experience in the environmental determinants of adult and child health, including cardiovascular and mental health, neurodevelopment, and pregnancy outcomes, with over 90 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Foraster has participated in multiple international collaborative networks and projects, working with diverse stakeholders, study designs, and data sources.  She has also led longitudinal studies funded by the European Horizon 2020, Health Effects Institute (United States) and AXA Research Fund (France). Dr. Foraster has previously worked as assistant research professor and lead epidemiologist at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, Spain, and as postdoctoral scientist at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland. She has also acted as scientific adviser for the World Health Organization and the Spanish government and as European Councilor of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology.  Dr. Foraster has also been a co-founder of the Pharmacotherapy, Genomics and Exposomics research group of URL.

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