Romin Pajouheshnia, PhD

Research Epidemiologist

PhD, Epidemiology
MSc, Epidemiology / Medical Statistics
Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands

BA, Natural Sciences / Pathology
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom

University Teaching Qualification
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Romin Pajouheshnia, PhD, is a Research Epidemiologist in the Pharmacoepidemiology and Risk Management group with RTI-HS. Dr. Pajouheshnia has conducted several studies in the areas of pharmacoepidemiology, clinical epidemiology, and epidemiologic methods.

Through his doctoral research, Dr. Pajouheshnia gained expertise in clinical risk prediction research, exploring the use causal inference methods in combination with predictive modelling methods when developing and evaluating clinical prediction models. He also gained experienced in systematic reviews and critical appraisal of diagnostic and prognostic modelling studies. Following his doctoral studies, Dr. Pajouheshnia worked as an assistant professor at the Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Clinical Pharmacology at Utrecht University. He co-led multinational studies on the impact of European Union label changes for medicinal products containing valproate and retinoid, contributed to the development of a framework for distributed analyses in collaboration with the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) ConcePTION consortium, and collaborated with RTI-HS in the European Medicines Agency (EMA) MINERVA project, co-developing guidance on the collection and use of metadata to support regulatory studies.

Dr. Pajouheshnia is an active member of the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE), for which he organised and participated in symposia, acted for 1 year as chair-elect for the Database Special Interest Group, and contributed to the Statistical Methods group of the Real-World Evidence Task Force. Additionally, Dr. Pajouheshnia worked for 3 years as associate editor for the journal Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety.

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