Ryan Ziemiecki, MS

Director, Biostatistics

Practice Area
Therapeutic Expertise
Office Location
Headquarters - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA

MS, Statistics
BS, Mathematics–Operations Research
University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC

BS, Statistics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

Ryan Ziemiecki, MS, is a Director of Biostatistics at RTI- HS. Using his statistical knowledge, he had led and performed analyses related to a variety of practice areas, such as patient-reported outcomes, pharmacoepidemiology, health preference assessment, health economics, and drug safety. His responsibilities include writing statistical analysis plans and study reports and developing programs to manage data and produce study tables, listings, and figures. Mr. Ziemiecki is experienced in statistical modeling, (i.e., linear and logistic regression, mixed effects models, general-additive models, and survival models) as well as various other statistical methods to control for confounding (e.g., propensity scores). He has experience working with multiple types of data sources such as observational studies, medical record databases (e.g., Clinical Practice Research Datalink), and clinical trials. He has experience with the SAS programming language, including the macro and IML languages, as well as the R-statistical package.

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