Measuring Distinct Concepts Across Therapeutic Areas While Understanding the Respective Evolving Vaccine Guidelines

vial of vaccine with needle and words describing shingles

Cross-Sectional Surveys to Assess Knowledge of Vaccines Among HCPs and Consumers


Our cohesive support system facilitated open communication across our deliverables which provided the client team with consistency across multiple therapeutic areas, and allowed them to easily incorporate results in reports, submissions, and publications.


Our client needed to understand healthcare professionals (HCP) knowledge, attitudes, and practices for multiple vaccines currently on the market, and consumers’ knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of a disease for which there is currently not a vaccine available.


The HCP and consumer studies needed to measure distinct concepts across different therapeutic areas while understanding the respective evolving vaccine guidelines. Our team had to manage overlapping timelines and multiple milestones across the studies, while meeting deadlines for publications.


  • We assembled a core team of researchers with backgrounds in public health, infectious diseases, pharmacy, statistics, and research methods with extensive experience conducting cross-sectional studies.
  • Our experts designed surveys specific to each therapeutic area and target audience to create a cohesive set of items to assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices/perceptions for each study.
  • A dedicated portfolio team of researchers with insight across the studies led to efficiencies in executing each project and facilitated bringing it all together to make recommendations across study findings.