Fox L, Murphy S. AP precalculus: gift or gimmick? Presented at the Virtual Joint Meetings of the Mathmatical Association of America (MAA) FL; February 17, 2023.

As of the 2023-2024 academic year, the College Board will offer a new AP course in Precalculus ( The College Board indicates this course will be accessible to a broader range of students than other AP courses, thus increasing equity and inclusion. Additionally, a national body of high school teachers trained to teach a designated curriculum may improve the overall quality of high school precalculus. However, some have concerns about the ambitious list of topics in the curriculum. Others have concerns about offering college credit for what has traditionally been a high school course. What are your thoughts? Does your institution offer a Precalculus course? If so, how does the curriculum list compare to the material covered in your course? Will your institution be offering college credit for students with appropriate test scores in AP Precalculus? What are appropriate scores? How will this affect placement into Calculus I? We will facilitate a roundtable discussion on these pertinent questions/concerns during this session.

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