Grogan S, Hartley L, Fry G, Conner M, Gough B. Appearance concerns and smoking in young men and women: going beyond weight control. Drug-Educ Prev Polic. 2010 May 6;17(3):261-9. doi: 10.3109/09687630802422019

AIM: This study was designed to investigate the link between appearance concerns and smoking in young men and women.

METHODS: A total of 244, 17–34-year-olds completed the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire Appearance Sub-Scales (MBSRQ-AS).

FINDINGS: Smokers scored significantly lower than non-smokers on appearance evaluation and appearance evaluation predicted smoking status in both men and women. Overweight preoccupation, self-classified weight and appearance orientation did not predict smoking status for either gender.

CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that smoking cessation interventions need to target general concerns about appearance in addition to concerns over weight control, and that campaigns focused around appearance concerns need to be targeted towards men as well as women.

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