Herring W, Benham-Hermetz S, Gustavsson A, Hayek Y. Assessing the value of delayed progression in early Alzheimer's disease: what are the critical issues? Presented at the HTAi 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting; October 13, 2020.

The number of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is expected to increase globally in the coming decades, creating a considerable economic impact at all levels of society. Future treatments for use in early AD that delay progression to later stages will be central to demonstrating long-term clinical and economic value. This symposium provides a forum to discuss how the value of future potential treatments for early AD may be assessed and specifically considers how a delay in disease progression could impact a range of outcomes, including patient and caregiver quality of life, direct and indirect costs , but also wider impact on incidence and prevalence and broader societal costs and macroeconomic factors. The panel session will consider multiple dimensions of value from different stakeholder perspectives with the aim of facilitating understanding of the need to recognise and capture the potentially broad outcomes within an appropriate value assessment framework.

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