Mauskopf J, Earnshaw SR. Reporting budget-impact analyses. In: Mauskopf J, Earnshaw SR, editors. Budget-impact analysis of health care interventions: a practical guide. 1st ed. Cham: Switzerland. Springer International Publishing AG; 2017. p.165-88. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-50482-7

Budget-impact analyses can be presented in reports, articles published in peer-reviewed journals, or interactive models programmed in software such as Microsoft Excel. For all types of presentations, reporting of the budget-impact analysis should follow the general standards from the Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS) for economic evaluation analysis (Husereau et al. Value Health 16(2):e1–e5, 2013). These standards suggest that an economic evaluation be presented with sufficient detail that an interested researcher could reproduce the computer program and replicate the results of the analysis when using the described approach and input data provided. From this guidance, the following elements should be included for reporting budget-impact analyses: a complete method summary including the modeling approach; assumptions, values, and data sources (including derivations where relevant) for all input parameter values; comprehensive results comprising base-case aggregated and disaggregated results presented in tables or figures for the treatment mix with and without the new drug and the difference between them; extensive scenario and sensitivity analyses; and a discussion presenting conclusions along with strengths and limitations of the analysis.

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