Earnshaw SR, Brogan AJ, Brodtkorb TH. Budget impact analysis II – applications and design issues. Presented at the 2018 ISPOR 23rd Annual International Meeting; May 20, 2018. Baltimore, MD. Previously presented at the ISPOR 20th Annual International Meeting.

This course provides an opportunity for participants to engage with concrete applications of the six-step approach for developing budget impact analyses and to participate in hands-on learning with two different budget impact models programmed in Excel. The course will first review the basics of budget impact analysis, interpretation of results, critical questions to consider when using a budget impact analysis, and how such analyses are used by payers and other decision makers. The course will cover technical topics such as use of static versus dynamic budget impact models, considerations for budget impact analyses of device and diagnostic technologies, and how to handle important issues such as patient copayments, adherence, and use of generics. To help participants engage with the course content, the instructors will walk through two different budget impact analyses programmed in Excel (one static and one dynamic), work with participants on hands-on exercises to modify and complete these models, present conceptual content, and lead discussion on various topics. The instructors will also discuss good practices for building budget impact models and provide a number of Excel tips. The Excel-based budget impact models used for the course will be provided to participants in advance of the conference. Participants who wish to gain hands-on experience must bring their laptops with Microsoft Excel for Windows installed.

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