Earnshaw SR, Brogan AJ, Brodtkorb TH. Budget impact analysis II: applications & design issues. Presented at the 2016 ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress; October 30, 2016. Vienna, Austria. Previously presented at the ISPOR 20th Annual International Meeting.

This course provides hands-on experience utilizing an Excel workbook-based approach to working with and modifying budget impact analysis models. Participants will receive an actual Excel-based budget impact analysis developed for use in the real world in order to gain greater understanding of applications of the 6-step approach presented in the complementary introductory course. Participants will be able to actively interpret the model’s results and adapt the analysis to include new inputs and calculations to handle important issues such as patient copayments, adherence, and generics. Topics such as issues to consider when adapting to another country, inclusion of a companion diagnostic or use of off-label drugs, and sensitivity analyses will also be covered. This course will provide a key opportunity for attendees to gain exposure to the more practical/applied aspects of performing budget impact analyses. Participants who wish to gain hands-on experience must bring their laptops with Microsoft Excel for Windows installed.

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