Damen JAAG, Debray TPA, Heus P, Hooft L, Moons KGM, Pajouheshnia R, Reitsma JB, Scholten RJPM. Design characteristics of external validation studies influencing the performance of risk prediction models. Poster presented at the Methods for Evaluating Medical Tests and Biomarkers 2016 Symposium; July 2016. Birmingham, UK. [abstract] Diagn Progn Res. 2017 Feb 16; 1(Suppl 1):21. doi: 10.1186/s41512-016-0001-y

BACCKGROUND: Meta-epidemiological studies have shown that study results are directly influenced by study design characteristics. The results of a randomized trial may for example be biased by inadequate allocation concealment, lack of blinding of outcome assessments, exclusion of participants (e.g. due to selective loss to follow-up) and reporting of intermediate outcomes. The diagnostic accuracy of tests may be overestimated in case-control studies, and the choice of reference standards can lead to biased study results. Meta-epidemiological studies assessing the influence of design features on the results of prognostic research are yet missing.

OBJECTIVES: To determine which design characteristics of a study influence the performance of a prognostic model upon external validation, taking the validations of three established risk prediction models for cardiovascular disease (CVD) as an example.

METHODS: In December 2015, Medline and Embase were searched for articles investigating the external validation of three CVD risk equations (Framingham Wilson 1998, Framingham ATP III 2002 guideline and Pooled Cohort Equations (PCE) 2013). This search was combined with a search in Web of Science and Scopus for citations of these three articles. Studies published before June 2013 were identified from a previous review in which we mapped all CVD risk prediction models until that date. Studies were eligible for inclusion if they externally validated the original prediction model without updating, in a general population setting. Data were extracted on essential study design characteristics. By conducting a random effects meta-regression of model performance statistics (c-statistic and observed/expected ratio), we will determine which study characteristics influence model performance statistics.

RESULTS: The search identified 10,687 references, of which 1,501 were screened in full text and 45 met our eligibility criteria. These articles described the external validation of Framingham Wilson (25 articles), Framingham ATP III (15 articles) and the PCE (10 articles). Our metaanalytical results will be presented during the MEMTAB symposium as we are currently meta-analyzing the results. We will present the range of performance for the three prediction models for different design characteristics, including study design (e.g. cohort, case control), median follow-up time, total sample size, assessment of predictors and outcomes, and handling of missing data.

CONCLUSION: This study will identify design characteristics influencing the performance of CVD risk prediction models in external validation studies. This information will help when interpreting the potential impact of validation studies with certain design flaws, and thereby facilitate risk of bias assessment in systematic reviews of prognostic studies.

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