Mauskopf J, Beck E, Postma M, Devlin N. Expanding the notion of value of new health technologies: should preventive interventions be differently considered than therapeutics? Presentation to be given at the Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021; December 1, 2021.

ISSUE: COVID-19 has unequivocally shown the broad health, economic and socioeconomic impacts that both vaccination and disease management can have on society, thus making a clear case for expanding health technology assessment (HTA) value frameworks. However, a reflection on how this should be done is needed. In particular, it is important to consider whether there are unique elements of the value of preventive interventions/vaccines which warrant the development of a separate value framework in comparison to therapeutics.

OVERVIEW: This panel will debate the pro’s and con’s for developing and implementing an expanded value framework specific to prevention interventions, using vaccines as a specific example. Josephine Mauskopf, the panel moderator will introduce the debate and will ask the audience for their initial thoughts on whether a unique framework is required or the same expanded elements of value be applied for vaccines and therapeutics(5 min).

The debate will be opened by Ekkehard Beck who will take the market access pathway perspective and provide insights into corresponding expansion challenges based on an analysis of current capture of value and role of HTA across countries (10 min).

Following, Prof Maarten Postma will provide insights into the uniqueness of vaccines both from a public health and health economics perspective(10 min). Lastly, Prof Nancy Devlin will take a health economics perspective and will argue in favour of expanding the notion of value consistently across all health technologies, both preventive and therapeutic (10 min).

Next, Josephine Mauskopf will present ideas to the audience about expanding the value framework and get their reactions via a live survey (5 min).

After the discussion, the audience will again be asked to share their view on the question whether a unique framework is required for preventive interventions/vaccines.

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