Afonso A, Prieto-Alhambra D, Escudero Garcia A, Estany Gestal A, Martin-Merino E, Riera Guardia N, Lopez-Leon S, Perez-Gutthann S, Hernández-Díaz S. FarmacoEpiEnRed, a network for pharmacoepidemiology in Spain. Poster presented at the 28th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology; August 27, 2012. Barcelona, Spain. [abstract] Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2012 Aug 27; 21(Suppl 3):193. doi: 10.1002/pds.3324

BACKGROUND:  Pharmacoepidemiological research has increased exponentially in Spain during the past decades, but there is no network linking research groups. The ICPE/ISPE conference to be held in Barcelona, with a large presence of Spanish Pharmacoepidemiologists is a great opportunity to gather them into a single group. Young epidemiologists aim to make this happen.

OBJECTIVES:  1. to describe the main organizations and research groups in Spain, and review their contributions; 2. to discuss the need to create the FarmacoEpiEnRed, a network of Pharmacoepidemiologists and the participating institutions; 3. to discuss how the network will improve scientific collaboration. Researchers interested in learning about Pharmacoepidemiology in Spain and who would like to participate in the network will benefit from attending this workshop.

DESCRIPTION:  An overview of publications by Spanish groups, in national and international journals from 1990 to date. This summary will include number of papers, institution name, and setting, as well as information source used for the study. Presentations by pharmacoepidemiologists working in different institutions: Spanish General Practitioners (GP) Databases, Academia, Forprofit/ Non-profit Research Organizations, and Industry to provide an overview of history, experience in the field, and future. Discuss the purpose of FarmacoEpiEnRed, a network of pharmacoepidemiologists that will connect and meet regularly, via social networks (e.g., LinkedIn, Skype, Twitter, Facebook), to discuss specific topics in this field, and invite the public to get involved in it. Workshop participants will be encouraged to contribute to the discussion with questions and ideas. Discuss the idea of creating an ISPE Spanish Chapter within ISPE global organization. Discuss future career perspectives. Other goals, proposed by the workshop attendees, will be discussed.

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