Ghaswalla P, Davis K, Sweeney C, Davenport E, Trofa A, Herrera-Restrepo O, Buck PO. Health care providers' knowledge, practices, and barriers to hepatitis vaccination guidelines. J Nurse Pract. 2022 Feb 16;18:403-10.

We administered an online survey to 400 healthcare providers (HCPs) to evaluate knowledge and self-reported practices regarding hepatitis A (HepA)/hepatitis B (HepB) vaccination. Most HCPs (73%) were familiar with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP); 69% reported using ACIP guidelines to make decisions; 89% and 90% reported adhering to the guidelines always/most of the time for HepA and HepB, respectively. However, awareness of and self-reported adherence to guidelines varied across specialties. The survey results, including perceived barriers, reasons for not stocking vaccines, and predictors of adherence to/familiarity with guidelines, may inform strategies to improve compliance with hepatitis vaccination recommendations.

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