Caro JJ, Ward A, Craig T, Huybrecht K, Arana A, Wait S, Eleftheriou A. Impact of thalassemia major on patients and their families. Acta Haematol. 2002;107(3):150-7.

OBJECTIVE: To describe the burden of thalassemia major and its treatment, in terms of prevalence of iron-overload-related complications, direct and indirect costs, and the patient's physical and social well-being. METHODS:From October 1999 to May 2000 a survey of patients with thalassemia major was conducted in ten countries: Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Taiwan, and the United States. RESULTS:1,888 questionnaires (65%) were returned. The responses suggest that nowadays patients begin blood transfusions, and most use desferrioxamine (84.8%), but iron-related complications, including life-threatening ones such as heart disease, are still common. CONCLUSIONS:There remains a need to improve the management of thalassemia, as many patients with iron-related complications experience physical and social limitations.

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