Setoguchi S, Kayo-Yang YH, Strom B, Stang P, Horton D, Gerhard T, Perez-Gutthann S, Leufkens B, Pinheiro S. It takes a village: raising a global community of pharmacoepidemiologists through high-quality education. Presented at the 33rd ICPE International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management; August 28, 2017. Montreal, Canada. [abstract] Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2017 Aug; 26(Suppl 2):5. doi: 10.1002/pds

BACKGROUND: Through the fundamental practice of education, experienced pharmacoepidemiologists foster the next generation of scientists and provide life-long learning to their peers, thus maintaining the high standards of knowledge, skills, and scientific inquiry in the field. With globalization, advances in technology and methodology, and the explosion of information, we are in ever-growing need of high-quality, versatile educational programs for pharmacoepidemiology to raise a global community of pharmacoepidemiologists who thrive in this changing environment.

OBJECTIVES: 1) To explore different perspectives that address core issues on education in pharmacoepidemiology and 2) to discuss what makes great pharmacoepidemiologists and how to nurture them.

DESCRIPTION: This symposium will bring together an international group of educators from academia, industry, and government with various backgrounds and perspectives. Three senior educators will first present their experiences and philosophies in pharmacoepidemiology education. Additional panelists will respond to these presentations and then join the presenters in a group panel discussion on how to train great pharmacoepidemiologists.

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