Mathes M. Leaving manual referencing behind: embracing EndNote. Presented at the 2015 AMWA Medical Writing & Communication Conference; September 30, 2015. San Antonio, TX.

EndNote is a reference management software that facilitates efficient and accurate researching, writing, and publishing of documents. However, adopting referencing software may seem like a daunting task to writers who have never used it. To facilitate ease of transition to EndNote from manual referencing, increase efficiency, and assure accuracy in writing and editing documents, the roles and responsibilities around EndNote for writers and editors should be clearly defined. This session will describe how writers and editors work together to produce a document that uses EndNote; in addition, it will introduce the role of an EndNote coordinator, someone who creates and updates EndNote libraries on behalf of the writers and editors. The session will also show writers how to take a large EndNote library created from a literature search and develop a smaller library that is easier to use during the writing process. Finally, the session will demonstrate how to use EndNote's cite while you write function to insert citations in a document and how to update the bibliography.

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