Maeda-Chubachi T, McLeod L, Cartwright M. Meaningful change in children's dermatology life quality index (DLQI) and lesion counts in patients with molluscum contagiosum. Poster presented at the First International Societies for Investigative Dermatology (ISID2023) Meeting; May 10, 2023. Tokyo, Japan. [abstract] J Invest Dermatol. 2023 May; 143(5 Suppl):S105. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2023.03.622

BACKGROUND: Health-related quality of life evaluation is scarce in patients with molluscum contagiosum (MC) & little is known about the meaningfulness of lesion count reduction.

METHODS: B-SIMPLE1,2 & 4 Phase 3 trials evaluated the safety & efficacy of once-daily application of berdazimer gel 10.3% or vehicle gel for 12 weeks in patients with MC. Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index (cDLQI) questionnaires were collected from B-SIMPLE1&2 patients 4 -15 years. MC severity & meaningful change were evaluated in B-SIMPLE4 patients using a 5-point Global Severity (GSA) & 7-point Global Impression of Change (GIC).

RESULTS: cDLQI completed: berdazimer 10.3% or vehicle, B-SIMPLE1 & 2 respectively: n=168 vs 85 & n=185 vs 95. Baseline (BL) mean (median) composite scores: 3.7 (2) vs 3.3 (2) & 3.5 (2) vs 3.5 (2). Reductions from BL after 12 weeks of treatment with berdazimer or vehicle, mean (median): 1.8 (1) vs 1.8 (1) & 1.6 (1) vs 1.9 (1), respectively. Mean (median) reduction from BL of patients with complete clearance (CC) at week 12: 4.3 (3) vs 4.5 (2) & 2.9 (2) vs 3.2 (2), respectively. Reductions for 90% clearance patients were: 3.5 (3) vs 5.6 (2) & 2.8 (2) vs 3.2 (2), respectively. GSA/GIC in B-SIMPLE4. berdazimer: vehicle: n=444 vs 447. Lesion count results were moderately correlated with GSA & GIC. Based on empirical cumulative distribution function plots of % change from BL in lesion count vs GSA change, among those who reported meaningful change, ≈30% experienced CC, ≈50% experienced at least 75% lesion reduction, & ≈70% experienced at least 50% reduction.

CONCLUSIONS: cDLQI scores improved in patients with complete & 90% MC lesion count reduction regardless of treatment arm; there were no substantial differences between 90% & CC. GSA/GIC results suggests less than CC is associated with meaningful MC change & affirmed previously published observations that lesion reduction of at least 75% are perceived as meaningful.

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