Garcia-Esteve L, Navarro P, Ascaso C, Aguado J, Torres A. Major depressive episode in postpartum: a preliminary prospective 1-year naturalistic follow-up. In: Colombus F, editors. New research on postpartum depression. New York: United States. Novs Science Publishers, Inc; 2007. p.85-104.

Postpartum depression affects 10-15% of women any time from a month to a year after childbirth. Women with postpartum depression may feel restless, anxious, sad or depressed. They may have feelings of guilt, decreased energy and motivation, and a sense of worthlessness. They may also have sleep difficulties and undergo unexplained weight loss or gain. Some mothers may worry about hurting themselves or their baby. In extremely rare cases less than 1% of new mothers/women may develop something called postpartum psychosis. It usually occurs within the first few weeks after delivery. Symptoms may include refusing to eat, frantic energy, sleep disturbance, paranoia and irrational thoughts. Women with postpartum psychosis usually need to be hospitalized.

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