Ervin C, Crawford R, Evans E, Feldman SR, Zeichner J, Zielinski M, Cappelleri JC, DiBonaventura M, Takiya L, Myers DE. Patient and caregiver preferences on treatment attributes for atopic dermatitis. J Dermatolog Trea. 2021 Oct 6;1-9. doi: 10.1080/09546634.2021.1940810

BACKGROUND: The expanding number of potential treatment options for atopic dermatitis (AD) highlights the need to better understand the treatment preferences of individuals with AD.

OBJECTIVE: This study identified attributes that most greatly influenced treatment preferences of adults/adolescents/caregivers of children with mild/moderate/severe AD.

METHODS: Adults (≥18 years), adolescents (12-17 years), and caregivers of children (2-11 years) with mild, moderate, or severe AD in the United States (US) and United Kingdom (UK) participated in semistructured interviews. Thematic analysis was used to identify and generate themes across the interview results describing the treatment attributes of greatest importance to participants.

RESULTS: Qualitative interviews were conducted with 35 adults, 35 caregivers, and 33 adolescent participants across both countries (n = 103; US =51; UK =52) and all severity groups (mild =43; moderate =47; severe =13). The most important treatment attributes included efficacy (96.1%; speed and duration of symptom relief), mode of administration (66.0%; route of administration, frequency, and convenience), and side effects (55.3%, short-term, long-term, and general).

CONCLUSION: Efficacy, mode of administration, and side effects were the most important attributes that influenced AD treatment preferences for patients and caregivers across different countries, ages, and disease severity. These results may assist patients/caregivers/clinicians in shared decision-making discussions to improve treatment adherence and outcomes.

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