Peek N, Gilthorpe M, Pajouheshnia R, Holmes C, Silva R, Choudhury C, Bhuyan P, Yau C, Diaz-Ordaz K, Tennant P. Prediction algorithms with a causal interpretation. Presented at the Virtual TMCF Workshop Series; May 6, 2020. Previously presented at the Alan Turing Institute Theory and Methods Challenge Fortnight in Data Science and AI Workshop.

This event will present the outcomes of the Turing's Theory and Methods Challenge Fortnights in Data Science and AI event, Prediction algorithms with a causal interpretation, held in Manchester in February 2020. A challenge team, comprising twelve academics in predictive modelling, machine learning, and causal inference, will share the findings from the challenge - including perspectives on 'counterfactual prediction' and pilot work to address some of the methodological challenges involved. This is now topical work, as such methods can be used for decision support in the COVID-19 pandemic.

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