Andrews EB, Eaton SC, Hollis KA, Hopkins JS, Ameen VZ, Hamm LR, Mangel AW, Tennis P, Cook SF. Prevalence and demographics of irritable bowel syndrome: results from a large web-based survey. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2005 Nov 10;22:935-42.

Background: Irritable bowel syndrome is a common gastrointestinal disorder, and its prevalence and demographics have been evaluated by different methodologies with varying results. Aim: To evaluate irritable bowel syndrome demographic and prevalence characteristics utilizing a web-enabled panel. Methods: From an existing 150 000-member panel,
31 829 individuals were randomly selected and sent screening questionnaires to evaluate irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. Individuals who agreed to participate and completed the screening questionnaire
received a second questionnaire related to a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, a more detailed symptom description, and additional burden of illness data. Results: Irritable bowel syndrome prevalence was 7%.
Prevalence was higher in women vs. men, unmarried individuals vs. married individuals and unemployed individuals vs. employed individuals. Of those completing the second questionnaire, 51% had seen their
physicians for irritable bowel syndrome symptoms in the past year and most had an episode within the past 3 months. During the past year, pproximately half of the participants had used a prescription medication,
and over 90% had used an over-the-counter medication for irritable bowel syndrome. Participants with irritable bowel syndrome demonstrated quality-of-life reductions relative to norms of the United States population. Conclusions: Web-enabled data collection represents a novel tool for rapidly surveying a large population of individuals with irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.

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