Candrilli SD, Bell CF, Davis KL. Recent trends in muscular dystrophy-related inpatient care among pediatric patients in the United States. Poster presented at the 2011 ISPOR 14th Annual European Congress; November 2011. Madrid, Spain. [abstract] Value Health. 2011 Nov; 14(7):A320.

OBJECTIVES: Muscular dystrophies (MD) are a group of genetically heterogeneous disorders, characterized by progressive muscle wasting and weakness. The MDs vary in incidence, pattern of inheritance, age of onset (though frequently among pediatrics), muscles affected, and progression. Overall, MD imposes a significant economic burden on both patients and society in general. This study assessed recent trends in pediatric MD hospitalizations in the United States (US).

METHODS: Data for pediatric (20 years) hospitalizations with a primary diagnosis of MD (ICD-9-CM codes 359.0, 359.1, or 359.2) from the 1997, 2000, 2003, and 2006 HCUP Kids’ Inpatient Databases, nationally representative databases of pediatric hospitalizations in the US, were analyzed. Weighted estimates of the number of hospitalizations for MD, characteristics of these hospitalizations (e.g., patient demographics), and associated resource-based measures (i.e., charges, length of stay [LOS], and most common primary procedures performed) were derived.

RESULTS: Between 1997 and 2006, the rate of pediatric MD-related hospitalizations (per 100,000 2010 US pediatric population) has increased, from 3.57/100,000 in 1997 to 4.12/100,000 in 2000, 4.39/100,000 in 2003, and 4.56/100,000 in 2006. Mean LOS decreased appreciably between 1997 and 2000, then remained unchanged through 2006 (10.7 days in 1997, and 9.4 days in 2000, 2003, and 2006). During each year of the study period, continuous mechanical ventilation and dorsal and dorsolumbar fusion (posterior technique) were the most frequently observed primary procedures. Finally, mean total charges (2010 US $) for MD-related stays increased roughly 21%, from $53,739 (1997) to $65,280 (2006).

CONCLUSIONS: We examined rates of pediatric MD-related hospitalizations in the US, and observed an increase in the rate of hospitalizations over time. LOS decreased from 1997 to 2000, then remained constant through 2006, although total charges increased significantly over this time. These findings provide insight into MD-related hospitalizations in the US and highlight the need to further examine the burden of MD.

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