Sheldon R, Heywood C, Chintakayala P, Horrell C, Rakoff H, Hawker L. Road network management stated preference survey. Presented at the European Transport Conference 2009; October 5, 2009. Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands.

The Directorate of Road Network Management (DRNM), within TfL, is responsible for the maintenance of the TfL Road Network. Currently, DRNM?s £50m annual capital works programme is prioritised according to engineering condition indicators which identify the need for treatment based on a score generated by the UK Pavement Management System (UKPMS). A whole life cost (WLC) model is in development based on direct and indirect costs. DRNM is seeking to incorporate public priorities within the WLC to ensure that investment is focussed on both customers? priorities while achieving best value. To facilitate this, research was commissioned to determine the relative tolerance of users to carriageway and footway condition defects of different type, extent and severity and to the nuisance and disruption resulting from the maintenance works needed to address these defects. There were two stages to the research: accompanied journeys and a stated preference (SP) survey. The purpose of the accompanied journeys was to help define the scope and structure of the SP surveys and to aid in the selection of sites. The SP survey was undertaken in five London areas with 450 pedestrians, 150 cyclists, 150 powered two wheeler drivers and 390 other drivers (HGV, LGV, car, taxi and PHV). The talk will take the audience through the background to the project, how the surveys were designed and implemented and the key findings. The research output will not only allow DRNM to incorporate user priorities into the planning of capital renewal works in the immediate future but will also allow them, in the longer term, to develop this into a wider strategy for planning and prioritising maintenance to better reflect user priorities and requirements.

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