Mathes M. Saying goodbye to manual referencing: embracing EndNote. Presented at the 42nd European Medical Writers Association (EMWA) Conference; May 11, 2016. Munich, Germany.

EndNote is one brand of reference management software that facilitates efficient and accurate researching, writing, and publishing of documents. However, adopting referencing software may seem like a daunting task to writers who have never used it. This session will give writers a basic understanding of how to use EndNote. It will include instructions for performing a literature search, reviewing references, and organising references. The speaker will also demonstrate how to use EndNote’s ‘cite while you write’ function to insert citations into a document and how to update the bibliography. Finally, the session will discuss how multiple writers and editors can work together from the same EndNote library even when writers and editors work from different locations; this is achieved using EndNote’s library sharing feature. The panel will introduce perspectives on alternative available reference management software brands.

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