Anna Sillero, BA

Epidemiology Project Manager

Anna Sillero
Office Location
Barcelona, Spain

BA, English Studies: Language, Literature and Culture
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, Spain

Anna Sillero is a Project Manager in the Epidemiology group at RTI-HS.  As a project manager, she supports research studies managing patient and site recruitment documentation, tracking budgets, and coordinating and managing timelines.

She has more than 10 years of experience managing research studies in Europe in the Academia sector, 10 of them in the Epidemiology area. She is a proactive and results-oriented project manager focused on client support and collaboration with research partners, including multidisciplinary academic and other research organizations. She has extensive experience in the different stages of the planning and implementation of research projects such as proposal development, contract negotiation support, timeline and team management, financial planning and monitoring, regulations ´compliance, and reporting and auditing of study progress.

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