Aurelie Pimienta, Licensed Psychologist, MSc

Senior Research Associate

headshot of Aurelie Pimienta
Office Location
Lyon, France

MSc, Health Economics
Paris Dauphine University, Paris, France

MSc, Neuropsychology
Lille 3 University, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France

MSc, Psychology
BS, Psychology
Paris Descartes University, Paris, France

MSc, Strategic Marketing
INSEEC Paris, Paris, France

Aurelie Pimienta, Psyc., MS, is Senior Research Associate in the Market Access and Outcomes Strategy group with RT-HS. She has over 4 years of experience in market access of health technologies, 4 years of research in neurosciences and psychology, 4 years as head of a patients’ association supporting families of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, and 10 years of clinical psychology and neuropsychology, including the validation and use of a wide variety of clinical outcome assessment instruments among patients.


Before joining RTI-HS, Ms. Pimienta worked as a patient-centered outcomes scientist for a pharmaceutical company, where she supported the generation of patient-reported outcome strategies, endpoints, and study design to generate evidence following Food and Drug Administration (FDA)/European Medicines Agency (EMA) guidance. She also managed qualitative studies to develop conceptual models and quantitative studies to create, update, or use already available patient-reported outcome/clinical outcome assessment instruments. Prior to that she was a market access lead for another pharmaceutical company where she supported the market access and reimbursement strategy for the launch of vaccines. She also has significant market access experience with all classes of medical devices, robots, and E-health (e.g., connected glucometers, applications). Ms. Pimienta’s therapeutic expertise includes neurology, psychiatry, infectious diseases, cardiology, diabetes, orthopedics, pneumology, and dermatology.

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