Caoimhe Leonard, MSc

Research Associate, Market Access and Outcomes Strategy

headshot of Caoimhe Leonard
Office Location
Telecommuter - UK

MSc, Health Data Science
Manchester University, Manchester, United Kingdom

BSc, Biology
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Caoimhe Leonard, MSc, is a Research Associate in the Market Access and Outcomes Strategy group with RTI-HS. In her current role, Miss Leonard is involved in primary and secondary research to support the development of evidence-based dossiers, systematic and targeted literature reviews, health technology assessment submissions, and health economics and outcomes research strategies. She has a broad range of experience in in the therapeutic areas of cardiovascular disease, dermatology, coeliac disease, oncology, myelofibrosis, and allergy. Prior to joining RTI-HS, Miss Leonard was a scientist at a contract research organisation in the pharmaceutical industry and specialised in pharmacokinetics within drug development. Additionally, she completed a year in industry as a student scientist at a pharmaceutical contract research organisation and specialised in drug formulations during drug discovery.

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