Sathushan Thurairajah, BSc

Research Assistant, Evidence Synthesis

Sathushan Thurairajah
Practice Area
Office Location
Telecommuter - UK

BSc, Pharmacology
University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Sathushan Thurairajah, BSc, is a Research Assistant with RTI-HS. Mr. Thurairajah has a broad understanding of different therapeutic areas such as oncology, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. He gained systematic literature review experience through his 1year dissertation project, which was a systematic review on the effectiveness of antioxidant nutrition on the development and treatment of type 2 diabetes and its complications. In his current role, Sathushan is involved in conducting clinical and economic systematic literature reviews. Prior to joining RTI-HS, Mr. Thurairajah was an Account Executive for a medical communication agency, delivering projects for pharmaceutical companies.

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