Tim Farris, MS

Senior Director, Technology Leader

Office Location
Headquarters - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA

MS, Information Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

BS, Information Systems and Operations Management
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC

Tim Farris, MS, has more than 15 years of progressive experience in Information Technology. In his current role, he is responsible for the overall direction of technology to support RTI International’s Health Solutions, Health Advance, and laboratory business units.

Mr. Farris manages a team of technology professionals that provide operations, implementation, compliance/regulatory support of technology platforms to enable the success of business units in his portfolio. In addition to providing the strategic direction and management for technology, he guides executive and research leaders on awareness and mitigation of technology-related risk and change management. His current role reports directly to the CIO.

Prior to joining RTI, Mr. Farris served in various information technology roles including systems administration, security and compliance, programming, and information technology management across academic and commercial enterprises.

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