Tom Clemmet, MSc

Research Health Economist

headshot of Tom Clemmet
Practice Area
Office Location
Manchester, United Kingdom

MSc, Health Economics
BA, Philosophy, Politics and Economics
University of York, York, United Kingdom

Tom Clemmet, MSc, is a Health Outcomes Scientist in the Health Economics group with RTI-HS. Mr. Clemmet’s MSc dissertation was supported by the Manchester Centre for Health Economics (University of Manchester, UK) and concerned the development and testing of mathematical models for adjusted health state utilities by age and sex using a large survey data set. He has experience in developing economic models for a number of therapeutic areas, including oncology, heart disease, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS, and he has previously conducted research in diverse health economics subfields such as the mental health impact of coronavirus disease (COVID)–related economic shocks, the theory behind quality-adjusted life-years and their use in cost-effectiveness analysis, and the behaviour of health insurance markets. Mr. Clemmet is also proficient in a range of tools for statistical analysis and modelling, including STATA, R, Excel, and VBA.

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