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A Reservoir of Expertise

Shanshan Qin next to one of her projects RTI-HS is a company that facilitates and invests in individual professional development. As I think about the many wonderful experiences I have had here—numerous projects, the spark of ideas generated in cross-team and client conversations, the skilled work our quality control team has contributed, and of course, every funded manuscript and conference attendance—one recent story stands out in my mind. 

With the support of my managers and colleagues, I designed a simulation study and collected and interpreted key results in the span of four weeks. We were able to submit the work to the annual meeting of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) right before the deadline in January 2019, and the presentation was accepted. 

This project stands out to me because I appreciate the time I was given to dive in and immerse myself in this research. My team was right there with me, providing a full commitment right before and after the holidays. I enjoyed intellectual satisfaction and even received a couple of ‘Secret Santa’ gifts during the process.

This place is a full package—providing a reservoir of expertise, many research and professional development opportunities, support, and warm mentorship that keeps me looking forward to another day.