Shanshan Qin, PhD

Director, Psychometrics, Patient-Centered Outcomes Assessment

Office Location
Headquarters - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA

PhD, Quantitative Methodology
MS, Research, Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics
University of Georgia, Athens, GA

Renmin University of China, Beijing, China

Shanshan Qin, PhD, is a Director of Psychometrics in the Patient-Centered Outcomes Assessment group at RTI-HS.  Dr. Qin works on the psychometric evaluation of clinical outcome assessments (COAs) in support of the regulatory review of COA labeling claims in a wide variety of therapeutic areas, including dermatology, gastroenterology, diabetes, obesity, chronic pain, ophthalmology, rhinosinusitis, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, alcohol and opioid use disorders, and rare genetic disorders. Dr. Qin received her training at the University of Georgia on testing theory, statistic estimation methods, structural equation modeling, mixed and mixture modeling, and hidden Markov modeling. She has over 12 years of experience as a psychometrician and statistics consultant. In her psychometrician role, Dr. Qin has managed data of small- to large-scale testing programs, tracked individual records for accuracy, scored and analyzed items and scale scores for reliability, validity, quality control, and test fraud, and prepared comprehensive analysis reports. As a statistics consultant, Dr. Qin has assisted clients from various research fields, including public health, psychology, and education, in designing data collection and analysis plans, directing descriptive and inferential analyses, and providing hands-on instruction and troubleshooting in statistical programming. Dr. Qin is an experienced programmer of SAS, R, Mplus, and IRT PRO. She has published and presented widely on topics related to measurement and quantitative methodology.

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