Galinksy J, Richard S, Morris M. Myeloma patients' self-reported experiences of care and treatment. Cancer Nurs Pract. 2016 Sep 14;15(7):22-6. doi: 10.7748/cnp.2016.e1341

This article examines how myeloma patients experience their care in NHS England, compared with patients with other cancers, using data from the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey (NCPES). This research was conducted to provide insights into the treatment and care of myeloma patients, and to better meet their needs and those of their families. Descriptive statistics were used to explore differences in care experienced by myeloma patients, compared with the average care experience, as reported by the NCPES. Findings suggest that myeloma patients are more likely to have been invited to participate in clinical trials than individuals with other cancers. However, myeloma patients report worse care experiences compared with the all-cancer average in: length of time before seeing a myeloma specialist, getting a diagnosis, length of wait before referral and support in treatment decision making. Possible reasons for these differences are discussed. This article also discusses the value of clinical nurse specialists in myeloma and makes some recommendations for nursing practice based on findings from the NCPES.

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