Jayne Galinsky, PhD

Research Economist

Jayne Galinsky
Office Location
Telecommuter - UK

DPhil, Health Science
University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland

BA, Social Science
Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Jayne Galinsky, PhD, is a Research Economist in the Health Preference Assessment group with RTI-HS. Dr. Galinsky spent 6 years working with myeloma patient organisations generating patient insight and preference data to support regulatory decision-making. She developed and managed large collaborative research projects with the European Medicines Agency (EMA), National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), resulting in deeper insights into the ways in which patient-focused data on diagnosis, service use and access, and quality of life is viewed and used. Additionally, she spent 4 years working in academic settings examining the experiences of people living with cancer and their lives, with a focus on the impact of cancer and long-term illness on children and families, in addition to lecturing and teaching.

Dr. Galinsky co-led a work package on the European commission funded international consortium, SISAQOL-IMI (a publicly funded consortium establishing international standard in the analysis of patient-reported outcomes and health-related quality-of-life data in cancer clinical trials). She also worked on IMI-PREFER as part of the myeloma case study.

Dr. Galinsky has experience in successfully conducting and publishing large preference studies in blood cancer and across cancers on preference for treatment administration, presenting at ISPOR, Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi), and disease specific conferences. She spent 2 years working in large and diverse National Health Service (NHS) clinical settings part of psychology teams, collecting and using patient-reported outcome data as part of a neuropsychological assessment.

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