Millar (Gildea) L, Stevenson A, Carter K. NICE medical technologies guidance - impact beyond the UK. Poster presented at the ISPOR 2019 European Conference; November 5, 2019. Copenhagen, Denmark. [abstract] Value Health. 2019 Dec; 22(S3).

OBJECTIVES: The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) evaluates single medical devices or diagnostics in the medical technologies evaluation programme (MTEP), using specialised health technology assessment methodology to determine whether clinical and economic evidence supports the case for adoption in the health and social care system in the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom. This study aims to assess the wider commercial impact for medtech companies following the publication of medical technologies guidance (MTG) on their technology.

METHODS: Published NICE MTG up to January 2019 were reviewed on the NICE website and technologies with case supported / partially supported recommendations were identified. Companies who had previously received MTG where the case for adoption for their technology was supported/partially supported were contacted via email to take part in the survey.

A survey was emailed to 30 companies; 4 surveys were undeliverable. 14 companies completed the survey, providing a 54% response rate. 93% (n=13/14) of MTGs have been used, or companies plan to use to promote their technology outside of the UK, predominately in Europe-EU (100%), North America (69%) and Australasia (69%). Clinicians (100%) and payers (85%) were the main audiences that companies used MTG to present the value of their product. 64% of companies considered NICE MTG to have had a positive commercial impact inside the UK, 36% were unsure. 50% of companies considered NICE MTG had a positive commercial impact outside of the UK, 42% were unsure. No companies stated that the publication of a positive MTG on their product had a negative commercial impact.

CONCLUSIONS: Medtech companies use NICE MTG to promote their technology both within and outside of the UK. The overall commercial impact of NICE MTG has been relatively positive.

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