Slota C, Bevans M, Yang L, Shrader J, Joe G, Carrillo N. Patient reported outcomes in GNE myopathy: incorporating a valid assessment of physical function in a rare disease. Disabil Rehabil. 2018 May;40(10):1206-13. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2017.1283712

BACKGROUND: The aim of this analysis was to evaluate the psychometric properties of three patient reported outcome (PRO) measures characterizing physical function in GNE myopathy: the Human Activity Profile, the Inclusion Body Myositis Functional Rating Scale, and the Activities-specific Balance Confidence scale.

METHODS: This analysis used data from 35 GNE myopathy subjects participating in a natural history study. For construct validity, correlational and known-group analyses were between the PROs and physical assessments. Reliability of the PROs between baseline and 6 months was evaluated using the intra-class correlation coefficient model; internal consistency was tested with Cronbach’s alpha.

The hypothesized moderate positive correlations for construct validity were supported; the strongest correlation was between the human activity profile adjusted activity score and the adult myopathy assessment endurance subscale score (r¼0.81; p<0.0001). The PROs were able to discriminate between known high and low functioning groups for the adult myopathy assessment tool. Internal consistency of the PROs was high (a>0.8) and there was strong reliability (ICC >0.62).

CONCLUSION: The PROs are valid and reliable measures of physical function in GNE myopathy and should be incorporated in investigations to better understand the impact of progressive muscle weakness on physical function in this rare disease population.

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