Alan Fleming, PhD

Senior Statistician

headshot of Alan Fleming
Practice Area
Office Location
Telecommuter - UK

PhD, Artificial Intelligence
The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

BSc, Mathematics and Physics
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Alan Fleming, PhD, is a Senior Statistician with RTI-HS. Before joining RTI-HS, Dr. Fleming worked for 22 years in medical imaging and machine learning research in both the university and industry setting. He was the main developer of algorithms for detection of disease and assessment of image quality in retinal images from Scotland’s diabetic retinopathy screening programme. His collaboration with health economic modellers, regulatory consultants, patent attorneys, clinicians, and National Health Service (NHS) data services helped automated image grading using this software to become an accepted part of diabetic retinopathy screening in NHS Scotland. More recently, he has shown that deep learning, using convolutional neural networks, could be used to safely upgrade this system to improve its efficacy.

Also in diabetes, Dr. Fleming has experience in working with longitudinal registry data and with combined clinical trial databases for survival analyses. His work in medical device industry research supported clinical researchers, generated many peer-reviewed publications, contributed to medical device regulatory applications to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and generated patents.

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