Alisha Krumbach, PharmD

Senior Associate, Market Access and Outcomes Strategy

headshot of Alisha Krumbach
Office Location
Telecommuter - USA

PharmD, Pharmacy
California Health Sciences University, Clovis, CA

BS, Molecular Biology
California State University, Seaside, CA

Alisha Krumbach, PharmD, is a Senior Associate in the Market Access and Outcomes Strategy group at RTI-HS. Dr. Krumbach holds a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology from California State University, Monterey Bay and a Doctor of Pharmacy from California Health Sciences University. Her past work experience includes performing literature reviews, preparing standard of care landscape analyses for clinicians, and creating educational materials for patients. In her role at RTI-HS, Dr. Krumbach is responsible for providing research and technical writing support for global value and formulary submission dossiers, literature reviews, and outcomes research strategic plans for phase 2/3 compounds.

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