Alyssa Pettey, MS

Senior Research Scientist

Alyssa Pettey
Office Location
Telecommuter - USA

MS, Industrial Organizational Psychology
BA, Psychology
California State University, San Bernardino, CA

Alyssa Pettey, MS, is a Senior Research Scientist in the Patient-Centered Outcomes Assessment group with RTI-HS. As an applied social science researcher for the past 9 years, Ms. Pettey has worked as a research consultant with nonprofits and local, state, and federal governments across the United States, helping these organizations leverage data to improve programs and evaluate treatment outcomes in mental health settings. Her research has spanned several domains including mental health, education, employment (assessment development and survey design and analysis), affordable housing and homelessness, community health needs assessment, and evaluation of comprehensive care for justice-involved individuals. She has experience managing all stages of the research process including research design, qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis (including psychometric analyses), data management, and reporting. Ms. Pettey has expertise in both qualitative and quantitative methods recognized in recent patient-focused drug development guidance authored by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

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