Amy Greenblatt, PhD, RN

Senior Research Scientist, Patient-Centered Outcomes Assessment

Office Location
Telecommuter - USA

PhD, Nursing
MS, Nursing
MPH, Public Health - Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
BSN, Nursing
Certificate in Public Mental Health, Rollins School of Public Health
Emory University, Atlanta, GA

BA, Psychology
Keene State College, Keene, NH

Amy Greenblatt, PhD, MPH, RN, is a Senior Research Scientist in the Patient-Centered Outcomes Assessment group with RTI-HS. Dr. Greenblatt has experience in project management, study design, quantitative and qualitative methodologies, data collection and management, and protocol development and implementation. As a nurse, she brings knowledge in a wide range of therapeutic areas and currently serves as an associate editor for Clinical Nursing Research and on the editorial board of Issues in Mental Health Nursing. She has extensive knowledge and research experience in psychiatry, with some of her previous research involving the evaluation of pharmacological, digital therapeutic, and psychological interventions for the treatment and prevention of psychiatric disorders. This work has been published in CNS Drugs, Drug Safety, Addiction, Clinical Psychology Review, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, and Perspectives in Psychiatric Care.

Prior to joining RTI-HS, Dr. Greenblatt served as chief scientist at a healthcare facility. While in this role, she evaluated, selected, and implemented patient- and clinician-reported outcome measures across clinical programs, analyzed the resulting data, and authored patient-outcome reports, translating findings into tangible insights for improved patient-centered outcomes.

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