Anubhav Nangia, MSc

Senior Statistician

Practice Area
Office Location
Manchester, United Kingdom

MSc, Public Health (Health Economics)
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom

BSc, Human Physiology
Boston University, Boston, MA

Anubhav Nangia is a Senior Statistician at RTI Health Solutions.  Mr. Nangia has over 4 years of experience in data analytics and systematic literature reviews. Specifically, he has experience in direct meta-analysis, utility analysis, and indirect treatment comparisons including network meta-analysis, matching-adjusted indirect comparisons, and simulated treatment comparisons. He has led and performed analyses to support publications and/or HTA submissions in various markets. Mr. Nangia also has experience in all stages of systematic literature reviews performed according to the guidelines of Cochrane.  Mr. Nangia has worked on projects in a range of therapeutic areas, including cardiology, oncology, psychiatry, rheumatology, allergic disorders like eosinophilic esophagitis, and congenital cytomegalovirus infection. He has experience in various statistical packages, including R, STATA, and SAS.

Prior to joining RTI, he completed a postgraduate degree in public health (health economics) at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. His dissertation was a systematic literature review of the acceptability of and demand for pre-exposure prophylaxis for human immunodeficiency virus among men who have sex with men in South and Southeast Asia. He previously worked as a research assistant in the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System.

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