Audra Gold, MSc

Senior Research Scientist

Office Location
Telecommuter - USA

MSc, Global Health
Georgetown University, Washington, DC

BS, Psychology
Florida Southern College, Lakeland, FL

Measurement, Design, and Analysis for Health Outcomes Research
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Remote

Audra Gold, MS, is a Senior Research Scientist at RTI-HS. Prior to joining RTI-HS, Ms. Gold was involved in outcomes and real-world evidence research in the academic, pharmaceutical, and contract research organization sectors. She has over 12 years of experience in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. Her experience includes instrument development and implementation; patient-reported outcome strategy; large scale survey development and implementation; and a thorough understanding of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) patient-focused drug development guidance. She has expertise across a range of indications, including women’s health, hemophilia, rare disease, pediatric rare disease, pediatrics, Alzheimer’s disease, and movement disorders.

Additionally, Ms. Gold is an experienced project manager and has supported a range of clinical trial research tasks, including leading patient and site recruitment, investigator and interviewer training, data collection and management (including electronic clinical outcome assessment), analysis, and reporting.

Ms. Gold is published across a variety of peer-reviewed journals, including Value in Health, BMJ, BMJ Open, The Lancet, The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, and JAMA. She has presented research at ISPOR and the International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL).

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