Cassondra Saande, PhD

Medical Writer

Cassondra Saande
Office Location
Telecommuter - USA

PhD, Nutritional Sciences
Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Cassondra Saande, PhD is a Medical Writer in Publications at RTI-HS, where she collaborates with researchers across therapeutic fields to plan and develop publications highlighting their work. Key therapeutic areas of expertise include obesity, diabetes, kidney disease and metabolic disorders. Prior to joining RTI-HS, Dr. Saande conducted research focused on the maintenance of nutrient balance in metabolic disease at Iowa State University, and the development of gene therapy for inherited kidney diseases at the Center for Applied Medical Research in Pamplona, Spain. She also participated in a diabetes education program for rural-residing Latinos, and a dietary intervention study for patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Dr. Saande has collaborated with numerous research groups, resulting in 7 peer-reviewed journal articles and several presentations at professional conferences. She received first place in the Vitamins and Minerals category from the American Society for Nutrition for her abstract presented at the 2017 Experimental Biology Conference.

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