Erin Miller, PhD

Senior Research Scientist

headshot of Erin Miller
Office Location
Headquarters - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA

PhD, Health Policy Administration
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

BS, Biology
Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA

Erin Miller, PhD, is a Senior Research Scientist in the Patient-Centered Outcomes Assessment group with RTI-HS. Dr. Miller received her doctoral degree from The Pennsylvania State University in Health Policy Administration with a focus on management and organizations. Previously, she has held a number of positions in academia and healthcare organizations ranging from project manager to data manager to research associate. Dr. Miller has over 13 years of experience working on mixed-methods and health services research projects and has worked with federal, state, local, and industry sponsors. She has experience building teams and mentoring individuals on mixed-methods and qualitative research methodologies. Dr. Miller has experience working with type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes, COVID-19, and a number of chronic comorbid conditions typically treated through population-health interventions in primary care. Dr. Miller has extensive experience working on qualitative research projects, specifically conducting interviews and focus groups for patients, caregivers, providers, and key opinion leaders.

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