James Brockbank, MSc

Director, Health Economics

Practice Area
Office Location
Telecommuter - UK

MSc, Health Economics and Decision Modelling
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom

BSc, Neuroscience
The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

James Brockbank, MSc, is a Director of Health Economics at RTI-HS in Manchester, UK. Mr. Brockbank graduated from the University of Manchester in 2010 with a degree in neuroscience. He holds a master’s degree in science in Health Economics and Decision Modelling from the University of Sheffield’s School of Health and Related Research. His dissertation focused on developing cost-effectiveness and budget-impact models for Alzheimer’s disease. During his time at RTI-HS, Mr. Brockbank has undertaken and managed projects dealing with HTA submissions, cost-effectiveness and budget-impact modelling, country adaptations, development of conceptual models, systematic literature reviews, burden of illness, and micro-costing.

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