Jean-Gabriel Le Moine, MS

Director, Evidence Synthesis and Statistics

Practice Area
Office Location
Telecommuter - France

MSc, Mathematics
University of Maine, Le Mans, France

BSc, Mathematics
University of Basse-Normandie, Caen, France

Jean-Gabriel Le Moine, MSc, is Director at RTI-HS. He has over 10 years of experience as a statistician within consulting environment. Mr. Le Moine is experienced in applying standard and innovative statistical methodologies to medical data in various therapeutic area. Mr. Le Moine’s primary responsibilities at RTI-HS are designing, planning, executing, and interpreting the analysis of a variety of studies, including health economics, clinical trials and real-world evidence. Specifically, Mr. Le Moine has experience in conducting statistical analyses, including meta-analyses and indirect treatment comparisons, survival analyses and surrogacy analyses. He has experience in applying meta-analytical techniques to various type of data (including diagnostic test accuracy studies under assumption of either perfect or imperfect reference test).

Mr. Le Moine has mainly served as lead statistician on a variety of different projects but has also led and managed a number of projects, including systematic review and meta-analysis projects to support submissions to HTA agencies or publications. In addition, Mr. Le Moine has experience in various statistical packages and languages including R, SAS, JAGS, WinBUGS, OpenBugs, Stata and TreeAge Pro.

Prior to RTI-HS, he worked for 5 years as statistician and health economics modeler in a consultancy based in Paris. This previous position put Mr. Le Moine in charge of conducting projects involving literature reviews, meta-analysis, and indirect treatment comparisons, health economics modelling or validation of patient-reported outcome instruments. Concomitantly, he was also a visiting lecturer in the University of Paris Descartes for 3 years, where he taught an introductory course to the development of health economics models to pharmacy students.

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