Matt Ridley, PhD

Research Scientist

Matt Ridley
Office Location
Manchester, United Kingdom

PhD, Health Psychology
The University of The West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom

MSc, Psychological Research Methods
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Matt Ridley, PhD, is a Research Scientist at RTI-HS. Dr. Ridley has more than 10 years of professional experience spanning contract research organisation/consulting, academia, and clinical settings. Prior to joining RTI-HS, he worked for a large contract research organisation as part of their clinical outcomes assessment team, and before that completed a postdoctoral position at The University of York in the United Kingdom. Dr. Ridley was a visiting researcher at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2017 and has since worked there as a research consultant/co-investigator on various patient-centred research projects. He has worked on projects across a variety of therapeutic areas including rare disease, surgery, psychiatry, neurology/central nervous system, respiratory, and oncology. Dr. Ridley has experience and training in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research methodologies. Dr. Ridley’s work has always placed the patients (and their caregivers/families) at the centre. He has also conducted research with healthcare professionals. Dr. Ridley has published in peer reviewed scientific journals, presented research at conferences, and serves as a peer reviewer for scientific journals such as Qualitative Health Research.

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